Aristotle: Arming Enterprises With A Personal AI Analyst

Data can be slippery. Bad if you have none, nightmarish if you have too much.

The latter is particularly true when you’re in the midst of a time-sensitive task but missing a key piece of information. To get it, you have to log into multiple accounts, peruse several dashboards, sift through emails, or wait for Steve to return from his extended lunch break to give you an answer.

If only you had someone (or something) sitting nearby to give you the information you need, when you need it; some way to “ask your data directly,” if you will.

Sounds like a stretch; especially for an enterprise. But—an enterprise software company—has reeled in the best of artificial intelligence to help busy people access the right information immediately.

All you have to do is ask.

Meet Aristotle

Aristotle is an AI-driven chatbot that turns business data into friendly conversation. You ask, it answers. Think of it as your very own personal analyst that—unlike Steve—is highly efficient and always available.

The idea is that with Aristotle you can simply “chat with your data.” You can ask things like, “how much revenue did we make in 2015?” and, “who sold the most tickets last month?” Aristotle will pull up a clean-cut answer and show relevant graphs for more insight.

For example:

Aristotle example


If you have a voice assistant at the ready, you can reach Aristotle through Amazon Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant. It also integrates with popular messaging tools like Slack, Workplace, and Skype. If you’re not a fan of using any of those, you can always stick to the trusty desktop version.

Now here’s the best part: the entire Aristotle interface has been carefully designed to simulate a natural conversation you would have with a colleague. This means anyone in the company can ask Aristotle a question without learning specific syntax or nudging someone who’s “better at tech” to do it for them.

But of course, Aristotle wouldn’t be helping anyone if it weren’t for the quick-thinking team behind it.

The team behind the chatbot was founded back in 2015 by Adrien Schmidt, CEO, and Marios Anapliotis, COO. It’s based in San Francisco (with an office in Paris) and is determined to leverage AI so business users can easily access analytics at the office or on-the-go. 

To roll out their mission, created Aristotle. It’s smart, easy to use, and quickly proves its value at the workplace.

We had the happy chance to poke the Aristotle Team for some extra details on their innovative chatbot and their upcoming appearance at the VOICE Summit this July. Here’s what they had to say:

Q: In your experience, what are the major concern enterprises have before implementing an AI-chatbot like Aristotle? 

Enterprises implementing Aristotle express three major concerns: will the chatbot understand what users are saying or will it be too simplistic to work in an enterprise environment? Will the answers provided by the chatbot be accurate and will users trust them? How much time and effort will it take to set it up?

To address these concerns, we recommend a gradual approach. Start small, build upon successes, iterate. That’s actually how AI chatbots work: they learn. It takes some time, but there are plenty of early successes that validate the investment.

Q: is famously “on a mission to become a market leader in a new generation of analytics tools.” What would you say to business leaders who doubt AI-chatbots are involved in the future of analytics?

Despite recent advances in AI, machine learning and analytics, insights are still communicated to end users in the form of reports and dashboards—or by asking a human expert. Reports create friction: they require time and effort to find insights, they’re costly to build, you can’t read them on a phone and they’re difficult to maintain. Human experts are overloaded and don’t scale with the increasing volumes of data.

Aristotle uses natural language processing, contextual dialog management and powerful analytics to deliver smart, interactive answers via voice and text from the convenience of your desktop and mobile device.

Unlike competitors who use search-based analytics, Aristotle dialogs are designed for natural voice interactions and are native to mobile devices. By connecting directly to data sources, Aristotle removes the need for reports and voice-enables any data source.

Q: What has been the most memorable feedback you’ve received from a person/business using Aristotle?

“This sh*t works!”

People still think that voice-activated systems only know how to give the weather and set a timer. That’s not the case anymore, there are lots of great use cases for voice, even if it’s still early in the enterprise.

Q: We’re excited to have you at VOICE this year. Can you give us a peek into what you’ll be sharing at the Summit and what attendees can expect to take away from it?

We’re excited to be there and share great ideas with other speakers and attendees! We’re hoping to bring to the table the results of our study of the impact on human behaviors and how using Aristotle— in conjunction with triggers—can help to form new habits around what we call “casual data usage”.

At the end of the day, a company’s success is first and foremost tied to the people in it, and we’re working hard to give them tools to make them more efficient.

Chat with Aristotle at VOICE

It’ll be very hard to miss the Aristotle Team at the Summit. They’re an appreciated sponsor of the Startup EXPO and will be excitedly showing off Aristotle at every chance (as they should!). You can catch CEO Adrien Schmidt at his insightful talk on July 23rd, then have a second chance the day after to ask him all your burning questions during the Data & Analytics panel.

If you’re into analytics and like getting work done faster, you’ll want to join the 5000+ also attending the Summit.

Secure your pass to VOICE Summit here and follow us on Twitter to stay in the loop on who’s going and what you should keep an eye out for.

For Aristotle press inquiries, drop in on

Originally seen on the blog written by J. Medeiros-